
We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God and is the lamp for your feet while traveling this life.

You will find a friendly greeting and a helpful people as you arrive. We are known in the community as “the church that really prays for people.”

At Harmony, GRACE is much more than a prayer said before dinner. It is the gift of God who calls each person into a personal relationship through Jesus Christ as empowered through the Holy Spirit. We believe that each person must then choose whether to follow God’s leading or to remain estranged from God. Not sure how that works? Visit us and we will do our best to make it clear.

If you are looking for good, friendly, folksy people who will welcome you whoever you are, the drop in just as you are. We will be glad to see you.

Sundays 9:20 AM (Classes available for all ages!)

Sundays 10:20 AM (Blended with Praise and Traditional worship styles)

We are located on Seneca County Road 19 (not to be confused with State Route 19) due south of Tiffin, Ohio. The church is about 4 miles south of US Route 224.
